Sunday, January 1, 2012

free new limewire download 2008URGENT MAC QUESTON: DO I HAVE A VIRUS?!?!?

well, first of all me and my friends have been making a TON of movies on iMovie and all have been published, now i recentley experienced a problem with my mac, i was dragging a clip into the editing board for a project and the entire iMovie page wen't greyish it's hard to explain, it was like the gray and white and black stripes you see on a t.v without any signal, but it seemed as though everytime i moved my mouse around the page something almost beige ( what i believe was our video) started coming up behind it and more was being built and built.

i recentley installed iAntiVirus but am really worried, ( the free version )

i got the baby at Cfree new limewire download 2008hristmas time 2008 and i am wondering if wiping out my hardrive and getting a new one would be a good idea? i don't have any thing of REAL importance on it so.. why not? but i just wonder if there is in fact a certain type of virus i have?

oh and i also have downloaded limewire because a friend needed some music so she uses my limewire.. is that a possible cause? and do you think it has anything to do with viruses from my videos or publishing them??!?!

also if you are a safari user and you know the top sites format when you open a new tab all the little thumbnails look like that greyish wite black stripe!!

thankyou, will choose befree new limewire download 2008st answer!
No, you don't have a virus. But I'd just like to say, it's people like you that make the rest of the Mac-using community look like idiots who don't know how to use a computer.
Of course you can always go and install a fresh MacOS X erasing the old system. This is the last resort when your system has really been fAV儿劣ed up. Use the original DVDs and see the manual that came with your Mac.

Download this free Virus scanner and remover:

EDIT: Sorry I didn't know you have got it already.

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