Wednesday, January 11, 2012

make baby stop hiccupingHow do I make my baby stop hiccupping?

She is 5 months old now - when she was younger, I could get her to stop by giving her a bottle, but it doesn't work anymore. She gets hiccups all the time, and they make her really upset! What do I do?
I can testify to the fact that the hiccups can greatly annoy some babies and make them really fussy. My daughter (6 months) gets hiccups every day and they bother the heck out of her. While most books will say that there is no cure for hiccups, I tried Little Tummy's brand Gripe Water (I get it from Babies R Us) on the suggestion of a few friends, and it works every time, 100% of the time for her. Water and giving a bottle never worked for me, but this one works I swear it. I've suggested it to my friends as well and they've all said it worked. I've only known about 1 or 2 people whose babies it didn't work for so it's worth a try.

I was even skeptical that it would work that well, and when i noticed it working every time I did my own little test. I substituted water or formula in the dropper and it never worked.

It's totally safe to use, it's made with Ginger and Fennel and has no preservatives, dyes, artifimake baby stop hiccupingcial colors or flavors, and no alcohol or saccharin.

If you try it, update on here and let me know if it worked.
I hope it works, and wanted to say also that you don't have to use as much as the bottle says you do (at least we don't), I only use about a half full dropper wirth and most of the time that is enough, if it isn't then i use a little more. That way it doesn't go to waste since it's $10 a bottle.

pat her back like when she was a newborn and you were burping her
Pat them on the pack and give them milk
Water or milk worked for us most times but sometimes nothing would help. Just rub her back and walk her for comfort - most babies hiccups don't hurt them - it hurts us more than them but cuddling and talking to her will help. Good luck!
stick your finger in some peanut butter and let her take it off your finger, or just put a pea size amount on her tounge, but keep a bottle of water handy!
Be sure she's not allergic to peanuts.
Don't worry about it: my Dr. said they don't bother babies like they bother adults. She'll stop soon enough.
This might make baby stop hiccupingsound weird and mean but it really works. Whenever my baby cousins would get a hiccup I would just scare them. Scaring them lets them gasp for a second thus getting rid of the hiccup. The whole point in getting rid of a hiccup is holding your breath for a few seconds but a baby can't do that so scaring them works. And no I am not an evil person, I was told that it was done to me when I was young, it worked and I am perfectly fine. Water does work but only for a while because as the baby gets older they learn to take breaths properly while drinking.
I read that you could try blowing a quick puff of air on her face, or take her out side in cold air (make sure she's bundled). But I have never tried these myself.

And I don't believe it when doctor's say that the hiccups don't bother the babies. I think they just say that to make the parents feel better.
give her a small bottle of water and burp her again. that always seemed to work with both of my kids. Good luck!

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