Wednesday, January 11, 2012

why do we lie essayWhen will we get the Left to finally admit that Global Warming was a total LIE?

Okay you have a minority who does not want you to hear the truth.

PHIL JONE #1 Global Warming Scientist who is quoted by IPCC was exposed as a liar when his emails were hacked and he was fired from his university job.



IPCC has had to withdraw many claims due to lack of scientific proof -

Hurricanes intensifying - WITHDRAWN BASED ON 1YR 2005
Himalayan glaciers melting - WITHDRAWN based on a student's essay
RAIN FOREST effected by small rainfall change - WITHDRAWN - no rainfall data used

It goes on and on check my sources.

Please cite the chemical and physical laws that allow anyone to conclude the human release of stored carbon has no subsequent thermodynamic effect.

The thing is - you folks have absolutely no science to bolster your assertion. Try finding some science instead of fabricating controversy
Thanks but no thanks. I have published a few papers regarding the biologic repsonse to clmate change - and you?

I'll stick to my science, not your links.

Never. For them fantasy is fact.
The source you're providing does not comprehensively disprove any global warming theories by any means.

Gravity is a theory. Should you jump off a building to deny it?
Our current rate of waste, greed and consumption is unsustainable.

Please read on for the explanation.

The problem is with Greed of Surplus. If humans would begin living off the land using only what is needed for the day, we would not have so much WASTE of resources.

Look at what we have, huge shopping markets instead of forests. These markets rely on coal burning for electricity to keep a surplus of so-called food that also poisons the body which in turn create health care problems.

Capitalism and consumwhy do we lie essayption have been destroying the Earth since it began, and American capitalism is the worst offender. For some reason this is thought of as progress. Polluting the Earth in order to satisfy our own selfish comforts.

Until humans can get back to basics, using only what is needed on a daily basis in terms of food, clothing, and shelter we are doomed to flooding, spread of disease, extinction of wild life and much more.

I hope gas goes up to 20 dollars a gallon, then people will stop. Raise electrical/gas use to 2000 a month flat rate. The bloated sheep in the West will not stop this destructive behavior unless it hits their precious bank accounts.

American families must be streamlined and resources carefully monitored so that there is no greed of surplus. Before this can happen, capitalism must be eliminated. Capitalism allows one group to have an over abundance while others go without.

On top of that, most families have more than what is needed for the day in terms of food, shelter, clothing etc. All of this excess consumption contributes to pollution, trash etc. Look at all of the appliances and gizmos the average family has in their home that require the use (or more accurately the MISuse) of energy. All of these things require coal burning to provide electricity which in turn contributes to more CO2 spewed into the atmosphere.

The rate of consumption and waste in the West and in the US is unsustainable for the environment and the Earth. I agree that population control should be implemented but until we get back to basics, this present capitalist system will continue to promote waste and greed of surplus, and therefore the destruction of the environment.
We won't because apparently we are smarter than you and think outside the box. Get your head out of the medias AV儿劣* and think for yourself!
Why do you guys keep posting crap from this ONE guy? When tens of hundreds of thousands of scientists have weighed in on just the opposiwhy do we lie essayte view?

Sorry for you. Hope you can swim!

when stuff like this stops happening.

turns out that this winter olympics is the warmest ever.

go figure.

I think it is hilarious that cons on YA are the only ones in the world who are so positive that it isn't real. Even the emails indicated nothing more than some disagreement about specific data, not that it didn't exist. Scientists all over the world believe it is real, as do most cons I know in person. But not YA cons. Because Rush and Beck tell you it isn't real. You are a joke.
I am sure it is happening and we humans are a significant contributory factor. I feel that the truth was exaggerated to force the message home to an apathetic, 'couldn't really care less' population. The stupid lies and slovenly record keeping have cast an unnecessary doubt on what is an overall truth. There will always be those who will wish to challenge all or any scientific factual publication. There even is a "Flat Earth Society".
Only when you're able to get the majority of scientists who actually know what they're talking about to change their opinions on global warming. You aren't going to be able to do that because their findings are showing that global warming is real and is being caused mainly by human activity.

You can rant and rave all you want but the science is against you.
That's right folks, global warming is all a lie!

Lets cut down every square foot of rain forest and turn the skies black with smog because mankind can't possibly have any effect on the planet! Why? Because Jebus would prevent it that's why!
Never. They've invested too much time and money in this scam.
No, they are brainwashed. You can't teach, in the words of Rahm Emanual, a f*cking retard using facts and statistics.
They would never admit they were wrong about anything.

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