I like to search for questions to answer on Y!A. I have to go to "advanced" search each time. Even though the "default" box is checked, it usually gives me "resolved" questions. Sometimes when I use the advanced search and it shows me questions marked as "open," not "open for voting," when I click on them they areopen for questions resolved or open for voting. Is this a program error or is there an easier way to see multiple "open" questions?
What you are seeing is a long standing problem with the maintenance of the database. They clean it up every now and them, but for whatever reason, when they update the site, many of the resolved questions are dumped back into the &quopen for questionsot;open" tab. One thing that helps is the create an RSS feed from your advanced search results (button at the bottom of the results page). These will be sorted by date and that way the new open questions will be first.
u need to simplify the words or something or show people steps too.
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