I need some birthday party game ideas for my girl that is turning 11 tommorow!!!!!!Alot of her friends are coming so give me a website you can find game ideas for a 11 year old girl!Or tell me how to play any game for a 11 year old.
my friends daughter had a survivor theme for her birthday. go to wal mart or something like that and get two types of cloth. put them in balloons and when kids get there, have them pop a balloon to get the type of cloth and be on that team so its not just friends playing together, but everyone is playing together. one of the games was a really big cardboard puzzle that the teams compeated in putting together. another game was pie tins filled with whipped cream, then fruity bubble gum at the bottom. the first one to find the gum and blow a bubble wins. kids love games where they can be hands-on and get a little messy with things they couldnt normally do. another idea is to let them tye-die shirts. its s11 website ideasomething that they'll get to keep and then they'll remember it for a long time. hopefully this helped.
who would a boy be allowed other than a sibling duh this partys for 11 year olds who would kiss mom & dad and how would you know the child has nits till the end you wouldnt that be bad to get sent home from school or have lice treatment over the summer cause you went to a party
think for once
ummm im not that good but!!!!!!!!111
u can play this game were u hang up dougnuts on a rope and try to eat them with out your hands. ummmm mabye compations like see if u can eat a cinoman doungnut with out liking ur lips. or eating liver, bulls tungue, and other gross stuff (not that that would be fun). mabybe take them all shopping. give them make up AND LET THEM put it on each otrher.listen to music. ummm on tv, there is like umm say there is an add for macca's there saying is loving it11 website ideas. so on tv tonight in the adds take down all the sayings and ask those questions. celebrity heads. TRUTH AND DARE i love that game. um if theres boys coming spin the bottle. pass the hat thisis played: Form a circle and place the hat on one players head. The player should pass the hat going around the circle without using their hands. If a player drops the hat he/she is out. The winner is the last one in the circle with the hat on their head. not a good game if they have nits. just watching a movie(not a G rated one, ask all the parents wwhether theire child is allowed to watch M oor pg13 in america movies). give them some time to talk a little. then just the normal partie games like pass the pasel and musical chairs and yeh those games. maybe take pics of celebrity heads and stick them on a papper and make them guess who they are. umm sharades. and thats alll i got for now
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