Sunday, January 8, 2012

cubs live feedFox and two cubs visiting my garden should i feed them and if so wot should i give them ?

live near main road, mother fox looks really thin though sure she's gettin enough to eat out of the local bins, they have visisted my garden nearly every nite over the last 2 weeks dont want to do wrong thing so any help would be appreciated ...
I have a fox that visits me too, for over a year now. I have gained her trust so much that she takes food from my hand, although I do not touch her! I feed her scraps, but mainly eggs. Foxes love eggs. Leave a couple of eggs out for her and her cubs, they will love them.
you're welcome! Foxes hunt all over for food. Don't worry too much about them becoming dependant on you, although she may return for more eggs.

Friends of mine have foxes coming in their back garden she feeds them on bread and jam with mange treatment in the jam got from the local vets leaving eggs out is a good idea and any leftovers from your evening meal is usually welcome too - it seems they're not fussy about what they eat!

Poison. They are a nuisance.
ifcubs live feed you can spare dog food that would be great. But don't give them processed meat like hams and hotdogs, its toxic to them. Bread can help also. And don't listen to yummy.
Don't feed them!!! People food is bad for wild critters. Furthermore, it will make them dependent on the easy meal (your handouts) and then it will become a nuisance. Just let it catch mice, rabbits, birds, etc.
leave some dog food out, or just left-overs. Foxes will eat most things.

They're not actually pests at all. They keep down rat numbers and provide useful recycling tasks, preventing infestations by insects and such.
you shouldn't really feed them as it can encourage other animals like rats etc but if you do things like dog food and dog biscuits will be taken quite readily
I guess it's better not to touch them. Foxes carry all sorts of germs & stuff and it's better not to encourage them to enter. Over here in France, they have had lots of problems wih foxes getting near houses - people fell ill. Happened in June.
You could cal some animal protection agency and ask them what to do.cubs live feed I think they'd know best!
try giving it some vegetables
No do NOT feed them...they are WILDlife leave them alone. I suggest you call animal control, if they can't help you they might be able to suggest a wildlife rescue in your area.
Dog or cat food, Cat food has more nutrients in it.

I would call the RSPCA, if the mother is really thin they may give you advice.
Vixens with cubs often do look thin as a lot of energy is going into feeding the cubs. Cat food is better for foxes than dog food.
Remember any food left over.... foxes poop on it! It's a disgusting habbit they have. Maybe just put a bowl of water out, she is probably dehydrated as well.
any old scraps of meat, mashed potato, bread. foxes will eat just about anything, try scrambled egg, not too much milk tho. Anything with plenty of calcium for the growing cubs.
Foxes like dog food or look up what other food they might want to eat. But don't let them rely on you for food. They are wild animals. They're not pets.

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