Tuesday, December 20, 2011


which one do you like adobe premeir 4 or cs3?
CS3.............hands down

I've been playin with CS3 for a while and have had no problems. It's pretty easy to function.
i have cs3 i like it.
CS3 hands down.
I agree. Any of the CS? series (2 or 3).
Yes Adobe CS3 is great. I've used Adobe prodadobeucts since 1990 and every time they roll out a new version its been worth upgrading. The latest one has saved me a great deal of time in my business. As for Adobe Premier...if you're using Premier I would recommend you find out which Suite Adobe has packaged it with and purchase thadobee Suite. The prices are always better when you buy in in a package. Also if you are a student or teacher they have a generous discount for Educational Versions of their products. Educational versions work exactly the same as the regular product.

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