Saturday, December 24, 2011


ok, i installed limewire yesterday, but everytime i tried to open it, it wouldnt open. so then i uninstalled it. now im trying to reinstall it but its telling me that i have a older version running and that i need to exit out of it and try again. im so confused! can some help me on what to do? and also tell me hoe to use limewire, cuz i was messing with it yesterday (before it was doing that stuff) and i didnt really get how to work help is appreciated!
This happened to me. Everytime I tried to open it, it wouldn't open. What I did is restart my compter and then reinstall it. Trust me, it works! Hope this helps. <3333
I hope you realize Limewire is ILLEGAL.

Very ILLEGAL....besides, there are other sharing clients out there that are far better :D

Try downloading this version of Limewire PRO "NO NEED TO INSTALL" just save it to your computer then start running it limewire

I have reUPLOAD the LINK

I've had problems with limewire in the past, not to mention it's illegal...this one is legal and free:

yeah basically restart, i use the older version of limewire because in my opinion it is much more user friendly than the current one. but also try not downloading it from limewires site. type in google limewire pro download and download that file, you will have limewire pro for free, and it works!

It may be because you have an older computer. If you do get it working you can use it by typing in the name of a song or artist and clicking search. As the search results come in you can click one and press download. The download status will appear toward the bottom of the screen. When the song is complete you can listen to it or drag it into ylimewireour itunes library. Then clear the song out of the download section.
try restarting the computer, uninstall it if its not already done and then reinstall it.
If you press CTRL + ALT + DELETE (all at the same time) and then release, a window should come up called Task Manager. If you go to the Processes Tab and look for something along the lines of "limewire" (.exe) select it, then click End Process at the bottom. Be careful what you end here, and make sure that you only End things with your name next to them, not System, at least - not completely failsafe so just be careful, but ending limewire should be fine.

Then try again.

If not you could try downloading something like YourUninstaller and trying to fix/uninstall anything using that. If not again then reboot and try again, and if you can get into Limewire, try downloading Limewire Pro and see if that works any better for you. (All done at your own risk :) ) - it'll be fine though!

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