Tuesday, December 20, 2011

mp3 rhapsodyWhat is the difference between Sansa e series and Sansa e series Rhapsody mp3 players?

I've noticed that Sansa makes the e series mp3 players, and then they make the e series Rhapsody players. Is there truly any difference or is it all just a marketing scheme? And even if I buy an e seriemp3 rhapsodys Rhapsody player, can I still use it with Yahoo Music Unlimited?
if you get the rhapsody player, it is still the same ol' sansa e.. but it it just bundled with rhapsody.. it doesnt require you to use it.mp3 rhapsody somewhat like the ipod... it comes bundled with iTunes, however, you dont HAVE to use iTunes to purchase the music... but its bundled with it..

It will work just fine.

i hope this helps

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